Saturday May 06, 2023

Theatrical Shenanigans Special - ”Believe Me” - Episode 4

As a final four-day countdown to the end of Season One, Theatrical Shenanigans presents a four-part crime/drama special for you. "Believe Me" was originally an award-winning short play that was converted to a four-part audio series for YouTube and we've now brought it here for you to enjoy!

WARNING - This video contains strong language and references to sexual assault and violence. It is not suitable for children.

With both Eddie and Lisa feeling the pressure from DI Jenkin's threats, will their sibling bond continue to survive through the accusations as the story draws towards its conculsion?


Eddie - Alex Lyne

Lisa - Charlotte Sisson

DI Jenkins - Kerry Frater

DS Williams - Ellie Shields

Amanda - Rachel Feeny-Williams

Music - Written and Produced by Chris Coady


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