Sunday Jan 15, 2023

Episode 2 - ”Munday Tuesday Friday” & Georgette Vale

This week on Theatrical Shenanigans we present the audio play "Munday Tuesday Friday" by comedy writer Greg Hatfield ( and I have a chat about the piece with Historical performer Georgette Vale (


Stil Munday - Robert Sawyer (

Tuesday Knight - Debra Cole

Joe Friday - George Sapio (,

Mr Thursday - Dominic McGee

Play Synopsis:

Mundy Tuesday Friday is a fast paced, screwball comedy, reminiscent of the films of Howard Hawks and Frank Capra, with the dialogue style of Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur. The play takes place in a small office space, and we meet three office workers, who have become best friends. Their dialogue together is fast, precise and funny. As in the Hawks and Capra films, their tone shifts after receiving some bad news, and they have to face their future together.

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